As a patient of Kyrene Internal Medicine, you have access to a patient portal.
The patient portal gives you to access to communicate with the physician and staff of Kyrene Internal Medicine securely and effectively.
You can schedule appointments and as well email our office about your prescription refills, test results, referrals as well as get copies of medical records when you need it.
To register and have a login, you will need an access key. Your access key is on your visit summary sheet you are given when you check out after your visit in our office.
Instructions on how to register for the patient portal is also included on your summary sheet.
Logging into Kyrene Internal Medicine Patient Portal
When you login into the patient portal, you will see all offices you have access to including Kyrene Internal Medicine.
Click on Kyrene Internal Medicine PLLC to take you to our office section
Here is the home page you will see for Kyrene Internal Medicine
You will see links for access to your
- Demographics and Insurance Information
- Appointments
- Medical Records, Test Results & Med List
- Patient Entered Records
- Bill/Accounting Info
- Secure Messaging
Demographics and Insurance Information
This is where you can find your address, insurance information we have on file, if there is a change or update, please use Update Results link to send up any current updates.
You will find all past and future appointments here. This is also where you schedule future appointments as well.
Medical Records, Test Results & Med List
This is the section to get copies of past medical records, test results and you current list of medication and dosages you are taking.
Patient Entered Records
You can enter your own medical records here. If you have received any medical records from another doctor or facility, you can save them here so you can have all your records in one place.
If you do a lab, test or procedure that was not ordered by our office, you can keep a copy here or share a copy with our office.
Bill/Accounting Info
You can view your current bills here.
Secure Messaging
This is the section for sending our office messages. Messages sent here are secure.
You can email the office about any question you have and reduce your wait time on the phone. Messages sent here are forwarded to the person who can help you best including your doctor.